/30 Days to Happiness: Setting Yourself Up to Win in Life/
A life transforming book! This program of daily processes will guide you step by step into a new, fulfilling life.
- Listen Podcasts:
- POD: Brad & Mary's Expert
Interview Millionaire Calls
with Liah Kraft-Kristaine - "How to Quantum Leap Your Life!"
published on http://www.millionaireriches.com/teleseminar/LKreplay-02.html:
Below are the Top 10 Quantum Leap Lessons taught questions covered on the call.
1) The 5 most important elements of success
2) What emotional intelligence is, and why experts claim it is a far better
success predictor than I.Q.
3) Precisely why some people are far more “lucky” than others
4) Why your self-image is keeping you at a certain level of success – and how
you can take a Quantum Leap forward
5) How you can use the power of the “Placebo Effect” on your subconscious
mind to put your business in “fast forward”
6) 5 habits that can destroy your ability to attract success - and how to keep it
7) How Liah increased her net worth $500,000 with just one house by following
her intuition, trusting herself, and taking huge risks
8) Why stress can scramble your ability to function mentally - and 5 things
you can do about it before it goes too far
9) 4 ways to increase your physical energy so that you can do more in your
business and feel fabulous, and
10) How to avoid misusing (and how to use to your best advantage) the single,
most POWERFUL mental tool you possess
To Play or Download the MP3 Recording
To Download the Enhanced Call Transcripts
- POD: Larry Goins Weekly Brain Pick A Pro Teleconference: Liah Kraft-Kristaine - "Quantum Leap Your Life"
/published on http://larrygoins.libsyn.com/index.php?post_id=116479/ - POD: Getting in Your Right Mind